Friday 28 June 2013

The Chemical Brothers: Push The Button

My first reaction to the artwork is that it look like an image in another image. And what does this image mean. I think that the music will sound like alternative rock/ pop because it uses simple colours. The band is called The Chemical Brothers and the genre of music that they make is Alternative Rock. The artwork does reflect the genre of music because the hand in the artwork of this album cover is a sign of power and alternative rock is quite powerful in music now.
Tappin Groften also designed this artwork for their album cover. They also did the cover for Beck and he has his own blog and website in which he shows all the work that he has done for himself, for other people, and just for viewers to look at.
The target audience is mainly for older teenagers and young adults as they are mostly the people
that are interested in Alternative Rock.
They use a quite a lot of typography in this album cover because in the actual front cover of the album it has the name of the album rearranged and shaped into the head. This is quite effective as it looks appealing the the audience.
The kind of materials that have been used is the illustrator to create the typography and illustrations using pen, pencil and colour. And to this this, they may have illustrated the shape of what they want to put the words in.
The colours used are quite simple colours such as blue, black and green which does not look like there is too much going on.

The work is quite effective at portraying a message because they have fitted the text in the shape of what they are trying to show. For example, the hand in the front cover could stand for power and standing up.
The layout is quite simple as it only has the image and the name of the title in the middle and in a small font on the top left hand side of the cover it has the name of the band.
The name of the band has a logo and it is written in a unique kind of font.

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